8644 Glendon Dr.
Mt. Brydges, ON
Phone: 519-319-4743
Fax: 519-474-0422


If you have any requests or questions
about our services, please contact us at:

Gilpin & Associates Psychological Services
Child Psychology Services in Southwestern Ontario


Michelle Gilpin


Dr. Michelle Gilpin is a child psychologist registered in the province of Ontario as both a rehabilitation and school psychologist. Her undergraduate work was in the area of child and family studies with an emphasis on the exceptional child in the family. She has worked in a variety of settings including schools, hospitals, children's treatment centres and outpatient treatment clinics. She has worked with children with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, developmental delays, learning and intellectual disabilities, medical conditions and social-emotional problems. Dr. Gilpin has a Masters of Arts in Psychology and a Doctoral degree in Applied Developmental Psychology. She has worked in the field of psychology for over 20 years.

Dr. Gilpin's teaching experience has included lectures for graduate students in clinical psychology and at the Faculty of Education, University of Western Ontario. She is currently an adjunct staff member with the University of Guelph and a member of the Developmental Disabilities Division, University of Western Ontario. Research projects have included parenting stress, development of clinical expertise and adolescent coping. Dr. Gilpin was the Mental Health Lead for the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) from 2011-2015 and now maintains a full-time private practice with locations in Mt. Brydges and Hyde Park.

Dr. Susan Rodger

Dr. Susan Rodger

Dr. Susan Rodger is a registered Psychologist in the Province of Ontario who works in the areas of school and counselling psychology with children, adolescents, adults and families and is Associate Professor in the Applied Psychology program at the Faculty of Education at Western University. She is an active researcher with peer-reviewed publications in a variety of areas, including child and adult mental health, risks for entry into the juvenile justice system, the impact of anxiety on learning, the connections between experiences with violence and school success, foster care, and teacher education in mental health.

Her teaching experience crosses three programs at the Faculty of Education at Western University: in the Bachelor of Education Program, with student teachers on mental health literacy and social emotional development; in the Master’s in Counselling Psychology, where she teaches courses in theoretical foundations, individual, family, and group therapy, and in the PhD program in School and Applied Child Psychology, where she supervises a number of PhD candidates. A former school psychologist with the Thames Valley District School Board, she engages young people and families in a warm and strengthening evidence-informed approach to promoting skill development, coping with adversity, and being an active participant in strong and healthy relationships. 

Dr. Rodger is available to meet clients in our Mt. Brydges location.

Kathleen Polishuk

Kathleen Polishuk, Office Manager

Kathleen Polishuk has been part of the team at Gilpin & Associates since 2015. She assists us in all clerical and scheduling duties, on top of her very busy life. Kathleen has a background in the legal field, working for many years at a large London firm as a law clerk/legal assistant. She is a parent of three active boys as well as maintaining a number of part-time consulting and work contracts. In addition to working in our office on a part-time basis, Kathleen continues to be involved in the legal field as a court reporter/transcriptionist. She also is a consultant for a line of in-home food and meal preparation products as she believes that clean and healthy eating are an important part of a balanced and thriving childhood.

Photo Credit (portraits of Dr. Gilpin, Dr. Rodger, Ms. Grosbeck and Ms. Polishuk): Peruzzo


Several members of our team also are employed in other organizations (e.g. UWO, School Board). In order to avoid potential conflicts of interest, they will not, under any circumstances, provide psychological services to a young person if they have any involvement, or potential involvement, with the youth and their family in their other positions. You are encouraged to contact Dr. Gilpin if you have any questions about this policy.

Any member of Gilpin and Associates employed by the TVDSB will not, under any circumstances, provide Psychological Services to a student from a school in which they are a consultant.

When the needs of a student within the TVDSB require greater support than the School Psychologist is able to provide (given the available resources), there may be the need to refer the student to a community psychologist. When a member of Gilpin and Associates is in the role of a TVDSB School Psychologist and must refer a student to a community psychologist, the following procedures will be followed:

  • The student and/or their caregiver will be made aware of any community supports, services, or resources that can be accessed at no cost (if such supports, services, and resources exist).
  • The student and/or their caregiver will be given the names of at least three community psychologists who have experience providing the service(s) required by the individual. One of the three community psychologists may be a member of Gilpin and Associates.

When a psychologist provides services in two different settings (e.g., private practice and School Board) they may receive or obtain information about a client that the client does not wish to share in a different setting. Consistent with the expectations of the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) and the Standards of Professional Conduct for Psychologists, information obtained and/or provided about a client in one setting (e.g., private practice) cannot be released to an individual in a different setting (e.g., a school) without the written consent of the individual and/or their caregiver. If a member of Gilpin and Associates is working with a student and/or their family within the TVDSB (in the role of a School Psychologist) and they have obtained information about this client from a previous private practice experience, they will refrain from disclosing any information about the client to the school (or any other professional) unless appropriate consent has been obtained.