8644 Glendon Dr.
Mt. Brydges, ON
Phone: 519-319-4743
Fax: 519-474-0422


If you have any requests or questions
about our services, please contact us at:

Gilpin & Associates Psychological Services
Child Psychology Services in Southwestern Ontario


Listed below are links to and phone numbers of urgent supports in the community, should these resources be of interest:


The services provided by Dr. Michelle Gilpin and her colleagues are focused on working with children, youth and their families.
We provide a range of assessment, intervention and consultation services relevant to your concerns and needs.


Based on your child's unique needs and concerns, we will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the issues and provide treatment suggestions.

Services by Dr. Gilpin and Associates are geared towards work with children, adults and families with the primary focus on the age range of birth through to 19 years of age and their families.


You can call or email directly to find out more about our services. Email us at info@gilpinchildpsychology.com or call our office at (519) 319-4743.


  • Attention Definicit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Adjustment to Divorce/Separation
  • Behavioural Difficulties
  • Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities
  • Giftedness
  • Depression
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Relationship Problems
  • Self-esteem
  • Trauma


As a team, we offer the following psychological services:

Early Intervention

Initial Consultations

It is often necessary to meet with caregivers and their child/youth for an initial appointment to gain a better understanding of their concerns and needs. Based on this consultation meeting, we can then decide, together, if our services are well suited for your expectations and needs. If we cannot provide the kind of support that you need, we will suggest alternatives and options within your community.

Cost: $225/hr




Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children, and no theories.

— John Wilmot

Comprehensive Assessments

Psychoeducational Assessments 

If you have concerns about your child’s learning and academic progress, we can complete a comprehensive learning assessment (often termed ‘psychoeducational assessment’) in order to better understand your child’s unique learning profile. This assessment will involve at least two visits to complete a variety of measures that evaluate intelligence, memory, processing skills, attention, memory and academic skills. The information from this assessment will then be summarized in terms of educational recommendations.

  • Learning Disabilities
  • Developmental Delays
  • Giftedness
  • AD/HD


Cost: $2400.00 (including 2 copies of formal report).

School Consultations

School Consultations

Based on our experience within school boards, we are very familiar with educational options and plans. While it is not our role to consult directly on school board processes such as Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) or Individual Educational Plan (IEP), we can offer advice and direction to parents on how best to work with these supports.  Typically, we will have conducted a psychoeducational assessment first in order to be more familiar with your specific child’s needs.

Cost: $225/hour plus any travel time if attendance at school meetings is required.


If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.

— Abigail Van Buren

Comprehensive Assessments

Individual Therapy

We consider your child or youth as our ‘primary client’. However, we believe in the necessity and value of the family and community in terms of supporting your young person. Therefore, while we will meet individually with your child, we will also strive to communicate with relevant caregivers as much as possible to ensure support and shared understanding. We respect the privacy needs of a young person’s time in therapy, but will also work together to keep open and honest communication with relevant family members, as needed.

Cost: $225/hr


Behaviour Assessments

Mental Health Assessments

If you have concerns about your young person's ability to manage their emotions or behaviours, we can work together to review their mental health needs. Based on your information, collection of relevant objective measures and clinical interviews, we can offer a perspective regarding your young person’s mental health needs that will inform possible support and/or treatment options. This evaluation will involve at least 3-4 sessions. If you require formal documentation, additional time will also be involved. 

Cost: Varies depending on time involved to gather and document information.

Estimate: $240/hour (6-8 hours)

Issues of Trauma or Loss

Research and Clinical Supervision

Several staff hold appointments with our local colleges and/or universities. Occasionally, we are involved in supervision and training with Ph.D. Level graduate students. When relevant, and in keeping with family consent, we offer clinically supervised support and involvement of these students. The involvement of clinically trained staff is a discussion that will occur on an individual basis with families.